VCS-250 Scanner
VsDesktop Check Scanner for Corporate Check Truncation.
Vs In the new Check 21 and ARC environments, corporations and others need to truncate their A/R payment checks into high quality bitonal or grayscale images immediately on receipt. As banks are able to accept check images as the deposit, companies who can present valid, legible images will be able to obtain their cash more promptly, as well as having an accurate, easily and quickly retrievable electronic image of the transaction to resolve any queries. VCS-250 Scanner
Vs VisionShape's new VCS 250 check scanner designed by Peripheral Dynamics Inc. (PDI) is a unique, compact, high speed individual check scanner with integrated MICR line reading to capture checks where they are first received. PDI builds rugged, reliable products for the gaming and election industries. Many hundreds of thousands of high speed PDI scanners are used everyday to capture lottery tickets worldwide without complaint or problem even in the most demanding locations. The VCS 250 can scan both sides of a check while reading the MICR line in less than half a second, making it the fastest check scanner in its class.

The VCS 250 with its manual feed, automatic deskew, magnetic MICR reading and high speed image creation is ideal for offices and other environments that need to convert small numbers of checks into high quality images on demand. Its bi-directional transport allows the image to be analyzed and, if necessary, immediately returned to the operator for rescanning or other operations. This feature can be used to ensure quality images and reduce fraud.

Simple straight through directional feed mechanism
Compact size to fit into small office environments
Two-sided high speed duplex check scanning at 22 inches/second
Up to 200 dpi bitonal or 8 bit grayscale output
High quality images

Vison Shape Inc. Bringing Imaging into Focus 1830 E. Miraloma Avenue. -Suite A ? Placentia ? CA ? 92870
Tel: 714-792-3612 ? 1-800-962-3585 ? Fax: 714-792-3621
e-mail: ? Internet:
Place de L'université ? 16/3 ? 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve ? Belgique
Tel: +32(10)48-3531 ? Fax: +32(10)48-3536

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