Image Viewing: Includes zooming, navigation, annotation Support from Visionshape , different thumbnail views, magnifier and navigator windows, customizable annotation and background colors plus multiple events for interacting with the user.
Scanning: We Support from Visionshape TWAIN, ISIS, Kofax Image Controls, scanning from disk and provide direct communication to our own page and check scanners.
Check Scanning: Check scanner Support from Visionshape for scanners from DCC, BUIC, SEAC and more... all via the same simple to use API.
Advanced Image Processing: Deskew, despeckle, black border, checkbox and line removal, corner mark and general registration and automatic cropping.
Advanced Printing: Image printing to any Windows print device including methods to print multiple images and text strings on one sheet of paper.
Barcode Reading: Most popular 1D and 2D barcode types are supported.
Bates Stamping: Stamp text strings and/or images anywhere on an image.
Image/File Info: Get image information such as DPI, dimensions, color, number of pages and much more.
Image compression/decompression, rotation, cropping, merging and scaling.
OCR: Full page and zoned OCR. Supported output formats are HTML, RTF, plain text and searchable PDF.
Multi-Page Tiffs: Create/Modify multi-page tiffs by adding/deleting pages.
PDF Generation: Create searchable or non-searchable PDFs with images, text, or both.
MICR Parsing: Interprets raw E-13B MICR data from checks into meaningful fields.
Free 30-day Evaluation is available directly from our website.